And I turned me to the South and lo! a great lion as wounded and perplexed.[3]
How much more those of the Dissolution (and the Pang of Fire)?
And a great mingled cry arose: "No! no! no! All is changed; all is confounded; naught is ordered: the white is stained with blood: the black is kissed of the Christ! Return! Return! It is a new chaos that thou findest here: chaos for thee: for us it is the skeleton of a New Truth!"
Lux in Luce,
Christus in Cruce;
Deo Duce
And be the glory for ever and ever unto the Most High God, Amen!
Concerning the thirty Aethyrs:
The Visions of the 29th and 30th Aethyrs were given to me in Mexico in August[11] 1900, and I am now (23.11.9) trying to get the rest. It is to be remarked that the last three aethyrs have ten angels attributed to them,[12] and they therefore represent the ten Sephiroth. Yet these ten form but one, a Malkuth-pendant to the next three, and so on, each set being, as it were, absorbed in the higher. The last set consists, therefore, of the first three aethyrs with the remaining twenty-seven as their Malkuth. And the letters of the first three aethyrs are the key-sigils of the most exalted interpretation of the Sephiroth.
I is therefore Kether;
L, Chokmah and Binah;
A, Chesed;
N, Geburah;
R, Tiphereth;
Z, Netzach;
N, Hod;
O, Jesod.
The geomantic correspondences of the Enochian alphabet form a sublime commentary.
Note that the total angels of the aethyrs are 91, the numeration of Amen.
November 17, 1900, Die.
[1] RII = Pisces, Sagittarius, Sagittarius. When referred to the Hebrew Alphabet, according to the Sepher Yetzirah, you get קסס, whose numerical value is 220. This number is the number of verses in The Book of the Law, and it is this Book which brings about the disruption described in this Aethyr.
[2] In the East. The Eagle-Angel covering the heavens thus represents the immediate future, and this is dark, bewildering and terrifying.
[3] Leo. This is the Beast 666, as yet unprepared for his Work. But already (1900 era vulgarum) he was dreaded by his fellow magicians. South: Proper place of the Sun in his Strength.
[4] The Bull is Osiris or Jesus. He complains of the terrible things that are happening, especially the freedom (which he thinks shameless) of woman — a foreshadowing of the current feminist liberation movement. He does not understand the New Aeon, or that he is about to be destroyed. He is in the West, that is going into oblivion — the place of the setting sun. Note the previous references to West in the 30th Aethyr.
[5] The severest aspect of Justice, Libra. Saturn, black and stern, is exalted in Libra.
[6] Nuit — the world of the Stars. See The Equinox of the Gods for an elaboration of her place in this new Theogony.
[7] The LVX Cross hidden in the Swastika is probably the arcanum here connoted. The Swastika has 17 squares. IAO adds to 17 and, by the Golden Dawn formula, discloses LVX, the Light of the Cross. (See the Introduction to the 2nd edition of The Golden Dawn, Vol 2. This Cross on the Mars Square or Kamea adds to 65 which, according to the Sepher Sephiroth (Equinox VIII), is the number of Adonai, the Hebrew words shone or glorified = ha-Yekal = 65 Heh and Samech, a verb meaning "keep silence." Swastika itself adds to 231 = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 21; the 21 Tarot keys. The cubical Swastika regarded as composed of this LVX Cross and the arms has a total of 78 faces — the number of Mezla (the influence descending from Kether through the Paths to Malkuth and the Tarot cards.)
[8] This is but the beginning of a sort of hymn. It was never written down — the Seer being unable to hear it properly. These four lines are, in fact, probably incorrect — certainly incomplete. There are four more lines which he failed to hear, for fear of getting them wrong.
[9] ד in Hebrew means a door or gateway. ד is referred to Venus (the door in the vault of the Adepts in the 5° = 6□ ceremony of the Golden Dawn) as well as to the highest reciprocal Path on the Tree of Life. It separates the lower Sephiroth from the Supernals and is therefore the gate to the Highest.)
[10] This note, written before invoking the 29th Aethyr, represents a crude and imperfect view. It is retained so as to show how very inadequate was the understanding of the Seer at this time; therefore the immense superiority of the communicating Intelligences and their separate individual consciousness.
[11] Query: November? See Note 10. Some discrepancy in Crowley's recollection of when the first two visions in Mexico were obtained.
[12] See Equinox VII, pp. 242-3, now reproduced in Gems from the Equinox and in the Enochian section of Vol. 4 of The Golden Dawn.