Liber Aleph



De Castitate[1]

My Son, be fervent! Be firm! Be stable! Be quick to mark Impurity, how one Course of Ideas seeketh to infringe upon another, to quell the Virtue thereof. Gold is pure, but to drink molten Gold were Impurity to thy Body, and its Destruction. Law is a Code of the Customs of a People; if it intrude thereon to alter them, it is an Impurity of Oppression. So also Diet is to be in Accord with Digestion; Ethics were an Impurity therein. Love is an Expression of the Will of the Body, yea, and more also, of That which created the Body; and its Operation is commonly between One and One, so that the Interference of a Third Person is Impurity, and not to be endured. Nay, even the thought of Third Person hath by Ordinary no Part in Love; so that, as thou seest constantly in thy Life, Love being strong, taketh no heed of others, and some after Interference bringeth Misfortune. Now then shall we therefore cast out Love, or accept Impurity therein? God forbid. And for this Cause see thou well to it that in thy Kingdom there be no Interference therewith, nor Hindrance from any. For it is perfect in itself.

[1] On Chastity

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